Fotot nga lart/ Qyteti historik i Amatrice-s nuk është më! Mbi 20 të vdekur, ndërsa lëkundjet e tërmetit u ndjenë në Romë e Kroaci

Një tërmet i fuqishëm ka tronditur Italinë gjatë natës së sotme duke vrarë të paktën 20 njerëz, duke përfshirë dy fëmijë dhe shumë të tjerë përfunduan nën rrënoja.
Tërmeti me magnitudë 6.2 ballë ra rreth orës 3:30 të mëngjesit. Lëkundjet  ishin aq të fuqishme sa tronditën ndërtesat në qendër të Romës më shumë se 100 milje larg dhe është ndjerë në të gjithë Italinë deri në Kroaci.
Të mbijetuarit kanë përshkruar skena apokaliptike në qytetet dhe fshatrat në afërsi të Perugias,  kryeqytetit turistik në rajonin e Umbrias, i cili është veçanërisht i preferuar nga turistë britanikë.
Të paktën 20 persona raportohen të vdekur nga tërmeti

Ekipet e shpëtimit kanë tmundur të nxjerrin shumë njerëz  nga rrënojat, por ende dëgjohen zëra të njerëzve që kanë mbetur të izoluar.
Epiqendra e tërmetit ishte në Norcia, Umbria, rreth 105 milje në verilindje të Romës, ndërsa qytetet më të goditur janë Amatrice, Accumoli dhe Pescara del Tronto.

Kryetari i Accumoli, Stefano Petrucci, tha në mëngjes se “Qyteti im nuk është më”.
Viktimat e para të tërmetit shkatërrues ishin një çift të moshuarish, shtëpia e të cilëve u rrëzua në Pescara del Tronto, në rajonin Marche, rreth dhjetë milje nga epiqendra. Një familje prej katër personash, duke përfshirë edhe një fëmijë tetë muajsh dhe vëllai i tij, nëntë vjeç janë raportuar të vdekur në qytetin Accumoli.
Dy vëllezër, të moshës katër dhe shtatë, u nxorrën nga rrënojat pasi ishin strehuar poshtë shtratit me gjyshen e tyre, kur ndërtesa u shemb.  Ndërsa rreth 100 njerëz  rezultojnë ende të zhdukur në fshatin Arquata del Tronto, raporton Dailymail./

A family of four were also reported dead in the town of Accumoli - just four miles from where the source of the quake (pictured, a rescue worker inspects the damage in Amatrice)

People are feared dead in the small, rustic town of Amatrice (pictured) - which lies near the epicenter of the quake

Truamatized locals try to keep warm in the early morning after the strong quake shook the town of Amatrice and much of central Italy

Lights out: Many locals described how their towns were plunged into darkness when the earthquake struck. Members of the Protezione Civile (Civil Protection) are seen here in Amatrice

Rescuers desperately dug through collapsed buildings to reach those who were trapped underneath collapsed buildings in Amatrice

Unimaginable: An elderly man in a tracksuit walks on the rubble of a collapsed buildings in Amatrice. A television aerial can be seen alongside the bricks

Distraught: A man stands on his damaged home after a strong heartquake hit Amatrice overnight

Busy: The area of Umbria is hugely popular with tourists, and some Britons have been caught up in today's chaos

Piled high: The tight streets of Amatrice have been blocked by the debris from falling buildings rocked by the quake

Reaction: A dust-covered man cries with his head in his hands as the shock of what has happened overnight sinks in

Ruins: A lamppost is seen leaning dramatically to one side next to a devastated building and rescue workers 

Missing: The side of a traditional beige building is collapsed into grey rubble  in the town of Amatrice

Shocking: Rescuers and residents clear debris in search for victims in damaged homes after the strong earthquake

Damaged: The mayor of Amatrice (pictured) which has been hit by a landslide following the quake, wiping much of it out

Support: A family huddle together under blankets along with their pet dalmatian as they recover from the shock

Helped to safety: A woman is carried down a ladder from her upstairs window, which has a gaping hole in the wall 

At least ten people have been killed after a 6.2-magnitude earthquake rocked central Italy (pictured, rescuers carry a man from the rubble in the town of Amatrice)

Grief: An Italian sobs in the rubble outside his damaged home as people said villages and towns have been destroyed by the 6.2 magnitude earthquake

Shocking: A survivor in Amatrice is helped to safety after a powerful earthquake has rocked Italy overnight killing at least 20 people and burying many more as they slept

Collapsed: An unconscious survivor on a makeshift stretcher is carried from the what remains of a collapsed building in Amatrice

Trail of sdestruction: Rescuers and people walk along a road following an earthquake in Accumoli, where a family of four including two children died

Aftermath: Residents of Amatrice in central Italy has been left in ruins overnight in an earthquake that shook areas up to 100 miles away, including Rome

Huddled: A shocked woman and man are seen wrapped in blankets in front of collapsed houses in Amatrice, central Italy

Bloodied: An injured nun checks her mobile phone as she lies near a ladder and a blanket following an earthquake in Amatrice

Agony: A man is pulled out of the rubble with a large gash in his head following the earthquake in Amatrice


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